Two years! Celebrate with us by watching this awesome music video/letter-and-response.
Can you count all the new things on the blog? (Hint: check the top of the page ... actually, that's about it.)
Also ... this is the 91st letter. Which means, of course, only nine more letters till the HUNDREDTH LETTER.
shoot, this wasn't supposed to be published till the sixth. i think i might have to take it down.
as it is now the sixth, it's back up
How much of this did you actually have to create? This is amazing, although some of the kissing made me uncomfortable because I think those robots are going to have children that will take over the world.
My children and I are amazed. We very much like the trampoline (or Rebounder, if you prefer).
Michael, are these your real friends? Do you know that they are just cartoon characters? Come home and I will find some actual people with whom you can hang out and make music videos if there is no kissing involved. I'm with Laura with the concern about the kissing - how can I say discreetly - what else do they do?
You're gonna hafta tell me how you did all this sometime. Very entertaining!
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