I want to buy your house.
-- William
Is this somehow a reference to the current state of the economy? Or was this highly coincidental spam? At any rate, I appreciatively decline. For one thing, I don't have a house. I have a MANSION. I'm not really looking to move right now, I'm happy where I am. So many memories attached to this place, so many skeletons in the closets; I don't think I could part with it.
Since this proposal lacks relevant specifics like offer price or move-in date, perhaps you made a typo and meant to say "I want to 'come by' your house." In which case, I must still decline. I'm uncomfortable with non-female strangers dropping by, and in fact you sound like a creepy stalker or something.
Or maybe you really mean you want to buy my "mouse." And instead of "mouse" you mean "cat." And instead of "your" cat you mean "any" cat. And instead of "buy" you mean "kill." You "want to kill any cat." In that case, be my guest.
But not my house guest.
-- Dr. N
I don't think that it is ever right to use cat and kill in the same sentence, unless of course, you meant to say that Obama is a cool cat and something about kill in the same thought. I am not violent - it would be alright to just kill his political future with an uncomfortable connection with Bill Ayres who thinks it's OK to kill some Americans to prove a point about the political system. But then again, this is too sophisticated for the average American voter who doesn't even understand why it is not OK to kill pre-born babies, much less cats.
So, is your house for sale or not and how much is it going for, and will you hold the mortgage for me?
To:A poor soul somewhere in the blogoshpere.
Your comment is too long for my liking.
Who's this William guy? One of NC's numerous boyfriends?
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