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Simple Answer for Cat Problem

Dear Doctor Nello:

I have a cat, Ylgu, who constantly makes annoying meowing noises that drive me and the others in the house crazy. I've tried throwing heavy objects at him, shutting him in the basement, and yelling at him to shut up with no results. Do you have any suggestions besides killing him? I don't want to kill him and I don't feel like paying someone to do it.

-- Esebo Yrev, Nowheresville

Dear Esebo:

The answer is simple. Kill the cat. Amen.

-- Dr. N
| | Friday, November 02, 2007


Jessica said...

Was that a protestant or Catholic prayer?

Jessica said...

I was just wondering if we should add it to nightly prayers, maybe, perhaps after the St Michael prayer

Franzia said...

Definitely Catholic. One of the heresies Prots subscribe to is that of liking animals.

Anonymous said...

St Peter has assumed the form of a cat while guarding the pearlie gates. Good luck getting in you heathens!