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Learning About Learning Clocks

Dr. Nello:

At work we had a presentation on the Human Performance Tool of the Month, "Learning Clocks." I thought at first this would be insturctions on how to play the Coldplay song on the piano. Instead, it was about an online clock thing that "trips" everytime there is an "event," and the clock starts again at zero with each event. Most of these events were things like "An employee tripped and fell." (I guess that's why they say it "trips" the clock?)

The presenter then told us we could subscribe to this clock and get daily emails about its current status. After his presentation, people started clapping.

Are worthless HuP Tools like this common at all businesses, or just mine?

-- One Who Doesn't Like to Waste Time

Dear One:

Don't mock the clock! Learning clocks like that are extremely valuable in the business world. As a matter of fact, Nurse Chris and I have our own learning clock. It's new on the right hand side of this screen (if you don't see it, try Firefox). Now you'll know all about the events that happen to the staff here at the blog, probably more than you ever wanted to learn.

-- Dr. N
| | Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Vincent said...

how do you trip the clock? Can I trip it?

Lil' Ried said...

I'm trippen' and the clock hasn't changed. I think it's broken.

laura said...

I learn you a clock. And that clock make me think uncomfortably about spiders. Uncomfortabelly.

Jessica said...

Yeah, I thought that was a spider clock too.