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Treadmill Troubles

Dear Dr. Nello and Nurse Chris:

I have been having a problem as of late. When I run on a treadmill, I lose feeling in my big toes. Why does this happen? Should I be worried, and how can I change this? I am very concerned about the safety of my feet.


-- Fearful for Feet

Dear Fearful Four Feet:

I referred your question to my podiatrist friend Dr. Ollen Oznarf. He gave me some great advice, but unfortunately I was drunk during our conversation and my memory of it is blurred. I'll try to recount his sagacious recommendations as best as possible.

"Foot safety is a concern oft overlooked in today's society. While exercisers will wear knee pads, elbow pads, and even nose strips, the foot is forgotten. One should take special care in treating the hallux (commonly known as the 'big toe'). Never stick anything sharper than your finger or a needle in your toes, and never dip your foot in boiling liquids.

Special devices are available to ensure safety during exercise, such as helmets, seat belts and metal braces. If you experience numbness or loss of vision in you halli, invest in a pair of toe helmets at once!

If your symptoms do not improve, you could look for replacement toes. They are available at many retailers such as Target, eBay and Loews Theaters.

Another option is to stop running on a treadmill. This will end your problem."

He didn't say what causes your problem, but I think it's that you drink too much.

-- Dr. N
| | Monday, February 05, 2007