Doctor Fello:
Your name is so much cooler than Doctor Nello! Anyway, if my dog swallowed a leaking battery that I found in the mud at a toxic waste factory, and he's been throwing up, turned green, and can now talk, should I take him to an animal hospital, or just wait and let it pass? My friend said I should have done it a month ago when it happened, but I just wanted to ask a professional vet first.
-- Weird Dog's Owner
Dear Weird Owner:
Thank you for your compliment, and yes, my name is definitely much cooler than Dr. Nello. Of course, no offense to him.
As to your dog, if he has not yet died, film him while he is still talking and get it running on YouTube. If you get enough interest going, try seeing if a talk show might be interested in putting your dog on as a guest (actually you might want to contact "The View" to see if they have found a replacement for Rosie yet). If he has died (or has stopped talking), I would recommend selling him (or his body) to science. Then take the money and buy another dog (I would recommend a cat), or an iPod is always fun. I hope this advice helps you.
-- Dr. Fello
BOO! This response was confusing and didn't make sense (who in their right mind would want a cat?) Get this quack out of here and bring in a real doctor who can compliment Dr. Nello's style rather than dragging this site down to levels I did not think it could fall to.
Nurse Chris was so much better. He/She was also quite beautiful and brought in many visitors simply by looking good. I think you should bring back Nurse Chris! (He/She/It never overused parenthesis like Dr. Fello)
i lovde this lettar!!! doctoor fellow has changed my lfie!!! he is sooo much cooller then dr nelo!!! dont figher him!!! keepo him1!! OMG i think i might be in love wit hdr fellow!!! hes got 2 B the coollest guy i now~!!! dr fellow i ask you question will u marray me???!?!?!?!?!??! ?
I hated this letter more than I hate my children. It was disgusting and not funny at all. Fire Dr. Fello immediately. I don't think he's even a real doctor. He is the noise a duck makes -- QUACK! (Now the noise that a swan makes is much more pleasant -- FART!) Oops, made a potty comment, better put up the "Potty Humor" advisory.
Now I am inspired to sue this site, and I have a daughter in law school who can take the case in just two more years! I did not write the above comment. I am probably the only human who can accurately imitate all 14 sounds the highly intelligent mute swan can make and not one of them resembles flatulance.
I believe there's been alot of over-reacting to the new doctor. His response was somewhat clever, somewhat humerous and somewhat OK. It would be premature to make a decision yet, we need another sample.
If you let the new doctor go already, I'm sure it is motivated by envy or the determination not to pay him. Dr Nello you are not only a quack, but a cad!
I don't see why he should be booted off. I think Dr. Nello is being to hard on him.
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