I need advice. I have an adult son, he's at least over 21 and lives on his own. Quite regularly he calls around dinner time and asks, "Can I eat this rotten food?" It may be moldy cheese, spoiled tomatoes, stale cookie dough (as if that can ever go bad; sugar is a preservative isn't it?) or even a box of spaghetti he left on the floor of his car for six months. While it's good he keeps in touch and wants my opinion (at least on rotten food), is this normal: the desire to eat spoiled food? We didn't feed him rotten tomatoes when he was growing up, so I'm not sure from where this comes.
-- A True Epicurian
Dear Epinephrine:
Your son's behavior is perfectly normal for a young man with multiple taste buds. He probably just wants to try new foods and experience new taste sensations, and you should encourage his efforts. Be pleased that you don't have a picky son who requires you to make special meals.
However, we do know that mold, like Prozac, can lead to fever, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, vomiting, headache, nervousness, insomnia, drowsiness, anxiety, tremor, dizziness, fatigue, excessive sweating, hair loss and death. Therefore you should steer him towards trying new foods that won't ill/kill him. If he's earlytwentysomething and living on his own, I doubt he'll want to cook too much, and he probably doesn't have the money to dine out, I recommend befriending a French rat.
One question I can't answer about moldy foods (so I'm glad you didn't ask it) is if bleu cheese is mold, how do you know when it's gone bad? Isn't it by definition already bad?
-- Dr. N
Oh wise one, you have been most helpful again. Seeing as said son is temporarily home again, I guess when I clean out the refridgerator I can just make him green soup with the foods I would have otherwise been forced to throw out.
Dr. Nello,
as you are in the health field you should know that certain molds can produce a delightful effect on the brain, causing the ingestor to take magical journeys to fantastic and special places where colors have names and refrigerators dance.
I would recommend tasting everything at least once so that you don't miss these exciting possibilities.
i'm assuming you mean "colors have tastes" or "colors have sounds" ... or did you mean colors have names like leonard, josephine and pat?
Laura is right about the fantasy trips, I just never knew that there was such fun to be had from refridg debris. Thanks for "enlightening" me.
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