I have an eyelash shortage. My eyelashes on the top center of my right eye all decided to fall out in a week's time. I'm not sure what caused it, but it frightens me (and little children) because now I sort of look like one of those dolls that have the eyelids that close when you tip them back, except I look like one of the freaky ones in scary movies because my eyelashes are missing. In a related matter, I had two ingrown eyelashes at once in the same spot about a year ago. Can you help me? Halloween is nowhere near and yet little children run screaming when I go by.
-- Tired of Being "Chucky"
Dear Tired of Being Chunky:
The way I see it, you have quite a few options. You could remove eyelashes from your left eye, and this way your face will be symmetric again. You could even shave your eyelashes completely off: lack of hair is the new in. Ask Britney Spears. Just beware that this can lead to ingrown lashes, which as you know can be a problem.
If you insist on keeping your lashes, you could glue some artificial ones on. Nose hairs are about the same color and length, but if that bothers you, you can always pluck some spare eyebrows to use.
You could invest in an eye patch to cover your eye. Also pick up a hook and an affinity for the letter "R." While children may be afraid of dolls, no child is scared of a pirate.
Ingrown eyelashes are caused by one of two things. The first is shaving or trimming your lashes down too far so that they regrow under the eyelid. The second is that when you are sleeping, spiders crawl across your face. Some spiders are swallowed but those that are not have a penchant for snatching lashes, and when the new lashes grow back they are ingrown. I recommend sleeping with your mouth open to keep the spiders from getting your eyelashes.
I hope this helps you. Please write back if you have anymore questions, but do not send a picture because your eye sounds really scary and I don't want nightmares.
-- Dr. N
I think I threw up a little in my mouth.
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