Fulfilling your prescription ... for life!
Send us an email at doctor.nello@gmail.com.
An album to remember.
Please submit by 04/25/1985 on triple-sided Alligator Imitation Paper.

Emotions, Emoticons from Enormous Enthusiast

Dear Dr. Nello:

Your blog is the greatest! I've been following it from the very beginning. You and Nurse Chris are so helpful and kind. Your love and care towards these poor people brings tears to my eyes. Keep up the good work! :-)

-- Your biggest, biggest fan

Dear Biggest, Biggest Fan:

We're flattered that you've followed our site for a whole three days, and it brings tears to our eyes that there are people like you out there. You are also the reason why we lock our doors at night.

-- Dr. N
| | Monday, January 08, 2007