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A Lot of BS

Dr. Nello or Nurse Chris:

I have Belinda's Syndrome, also known as BS. When I am walking someplace unfamiliar and realize I have made a wrong turn, if there are other people nearby I am too embarrased to just turn around. I have to keep walking until I can find another path. Sometimes this requires me to walk through the whole building, down a few floors, out a back exit, around the outside of the building and through the front door again. Sometimes I reach a dead end and have to climb to the ceiling to escape through a vent. Once I had absolutely nowhere to turn and ... well, let's just say it wasn't a happy day for me or anyone who happened to be there.

My BS has progressed so far that I have this problem if I merely sense someone a few hundred feet away. I've tried counseling and medication and nothing is working. What can I do?

By the way, I hope Nurse Chris's gender evaluation is successful!

-- Belinda S.

Dear Belinda:

You're not alone. Thousands of Americans suffer from B.S. Unfortunately there is no real cure for this. Have you considered not leaving home? Another possibility: whenever you feel nervous just use a distraction, for instance you could pull the fire alarm if its nearby or maybe fake death. That will distract everyone around and when they aren't looking you can make a run for it. Also, if you miss a turn and need to turn around, just pretend you are doing a dance. Who knows, maybe others will join you. My last idea is about counseling. Have you tried switching counselors?

As for my gender test results, the doctor is sending them into a lab and hopefully I will have the results in a few weeks.

-- Nurse Chris
| | Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Anonymous said...

Dear Nurse Chris,
you are a very sick person.