You may be a quack, but I don't know where else to turn, and besides you're free. I am currently addicted to several family blogspots and waste too much time on them. That's not my problem, though, as I have more time than money anyway. My problem is that when I read these blogs I instantly want to comment and say something sarcastic. With some families I know they will give as good as they get, and might even enjoy it, but others might think my comments are offensive.
Right now I have been holding back for days with not commenting after someone's sweet picture, "Am I the only one here who sees the strong resemblance to Princess Leah?" This is accurate and very funny, but I am sure it would be interpreted as rude. So should I 1) stop reading family blogs, 2) never comment (too hard!), 3) be brutally honest and funny, or 4) start one more self-help group and charge, so I could have more money than time?
-- One Who Amuses Herself Very Much
Dear Person:
I think you mean Princess Leia, from Star Wars. Princess Leah is actually a very different character, and is quite an insult.
I am a big fan of being brutally honest and funny. That's how I answer most of my letters. For example, much of your letter is nonsensical and leads me to believe your were intoxicated while writing it ("more time than money," what does that have to do with anything?). However, I am a doctor and therefore I am allowed to say such things, whereas you have probably not held a real job in over 30 years.
What I recommend you is find a new hobby, so you're not wasting so much time on family blogs and tempting yourself to write acerbic criticisms. For example, you could try to crack the musical Da Vinci Code, like this man (or produce "Da Vinci Code: The Musical").
One last thing, please do not think that you can anonymously comment on these famblogs and no one will know it was you.
-- Dr. N
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