I can't believe you're not here anymore.
-- A Loyal Fan
Dear Loyal Fan:
Unfortunately, due to the economy and our frequent trips to Europe, Nurse Chris and I have not been able to post nearly as much as we used to. We tried to post at least one letter a month, but as avid readers are well aware, we missed June and November.
There is some good news, though. Our main competitor, Justin E. Spired, has quit the business. The Dr. Nello blog was started in January 2007 with the secret mission of bringing the downfall of Justin, and our mission has now been fulfilled.
While we have slowed down, we are not quitting. However, for the rest of the year, we will be changing our business model to something more fitting for these modern times of technology. Or rather, something more "twitting." Starting today, we will share and discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world. We know you're excited!
-- Dr. N
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