Dr. Nello:
When you join the HBS Class of 2013, how will you introduce yourself to your new classmates?
-- Harvey Ard, Dean of the University
Dear Harv:
Normally, when I introduce myself, I go by my nickname "Franz." However, when I join HBS'11, I'm going by my full name, Franziskaner. I prefer Franziskaner, but saying "Dr. Franziskaner O'Nello" is quite a mouthful, which is why I simplify it to "Franz Nello."
Now that I'm taking the next life step towards yet another degree, I want to be seen as mature and grown up. Gone are the days of tormenting nephews, forcing them on scary ferris wheels. No more crazy haircuts. Definitely won't be hanging out with these two.
JUST KIDDING. Of course I'll be my same awesome self, but I will be going by Franziskaner.
-- Dr. N
Media Bloggers Association
Posted by Dr Nello | | Tuesday, March 29, 2011

at 8:40 PM | Labels: letters
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