Let me introduce myself. I'm your fellow doctor, Dr. Fello. I'm actually a vet and I'm a friendly fellow to every animal (except dogs, let's just say I don't like them).
I found your blog while looking up some animalian diseases on DrMedipedia. I've always agreed with your advice you give to people, even though I've only been accustomed to working with animals. Since you fired Nurse Chris, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself and hopefully become your trustworthy assistant! Please let me know what your decision is (I hope I'm your top candidate). If you want reach me by phone, call 1-800-DR-FELLO.
-- Dr. Fello
Dear Dr. Fello:
I do not wish to reach you by phone, but ... well, seeing as I haven't had any other acceptable applicants yet, I think I might go ahead and give you a trial run. I'll be forwarding you an email in the next couple days; your performance in answering it will determine whether I hire you full-time or terminate you.
I mean, terminate your position.
-- Dr. N
I say terminate him immediately.
this blog is stupid without nurse chris.
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