On November 2, gun owners and hunters have an historic opportunity to make sure that our Second Amendment rights are protected.
To do that, we need to elect candidates who will oppose gun bans, ammunition bans, and gun owner licensing and registration.
Pat Toomey and Tom Corbett will stand up for our Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage. We need Pat Toommey in the US Senate and Tom Corbett in the Governer's Mansion.
Vote Pat Toomey for US Senate.
Vote Tom Corbett for Governor.
-- National Rifle Association
Dear Ed McCartan or Current Resident:
Anti-hunting extremist groups are trying to force the federal government to ban traditional hunting ammunition. And they just may succeed.
Anti-hunting politicians are already trying to strip away your hunting rights. They are trying to block access to your favorite hunting spot on public land. They are trying to pass laws to regulate how you can use your land. Now they are working to ban virtually all hunting ammunition.
Choose Jason Altmire on November 2nd. Jason Altmire will lead the fight against the anti-hunting extremists to protect your right to hunt. Jason Altmire has always stood up for gun owners and sportsmen, and we need him the Congress to protect our rights.
Jason Altmire has proven he will work to protect gun owners and hunters. All hunters and sportsment should vote for Jason Altmire.
Protect your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage. On Election Day, Vote Jason Altmire for Congress.
-- Safari Club International
Dear NRA and SCI:
Let me start by saying that I too support gun rights. Without guns, would we even have a "Naked Death" film series? Normally, I would think Democrats and Republicans would have opposing viewpoints on gun rights. Republicans, as Tracy Jordan says, are for "less taxes, more guns, and eliminating the gun tax." Meanwhile, Democrats are wusses. However, here we have two Repubs and one Democ agreeing that my hunting heritage and Amendment #2 rights are at stake.
Unforuntately, I will not be lending my vote to any of these candidates, or either of these parties. After the lack of support for my own attempt at one day maybe staging a presidential run, I have given up on the "popular" candidates, and this year I am supporting Arlen Shestack. I am voting for him for all three positions: Representative, Senator and Governor. (I will be voting for Nader, as usual, for president.)
Also, Al Gore, please stop drunk dialing me from Sarah Palin's phone. I didn't want to talk to you at my CMU graduation, and I don't feel like catching up now either.
-- Dr. N
Did you get my message last night?
Hello, Pennsylvania, this is Sarah Palin, urging you to go to the polls on Tuesday. Or even better, vote early! We have some simple choices this year, America needs a return to conservative, common sense and time-tested truth. We need leaders who believe in smaller government, lower taxes, stronger families and a robust, unapologetic national defense. The momentum is on our side, but it isn't over until the polls close so please go to the polls and vote for the candidate who shares your values; urge your friends and family to vote too. Thank you, and God bless you!
Also, call me back, because I haven't heard from you since CMU.
No, her daughter's name is Bristol.
This things not over yet, I'm sending my write in votes to DC tomorrow. I am not restricting myself to my own state. If they're in Congress they can affect me, I shall be voting on each and everyone of them. Join me or surrender your guns, your freedoms, "yo children, yo wives, yo husbands" and your guts.
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