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Animated Discussion

| | Thursday, May 29, 2008


Jessica said...

wow. First off, that girl looks way more like me than it does Rita, although nurse chris as usual looks like me in a blond wig. Although I would agree the advice given was good and solid, I was slightly frightened to think my younger siblings are nothing more than computer graphics, and I can't compete with them physically, since I am real and have flaws.
How long did this take to do? Mike, I feel your talents are wasted in your current day-job.

Michael Sirilla said...

That made Mike and I laugh A LOT. Thank you for linking - I wouldn't have looked otherwise.

Excellent on many, many levels.

Mother Mary Nello said...

BEWARE1 the mechanical body parts are coming to the beach house, and now parts of our brains are computerized also.