Fulfilling your prescription ... for life!
Send us an email at doctor.nello@gmail.com.
An album to remember.
Please submit by 04/25/1985 on triple-sided Alligator Imitation Paper.


Where does the time go? We meant to answer so many posts during the month of July, but I guess we just fell behind. Here's a few rushed responses. Hopefully they're up to caliber.

Also, Dr. Jello had a birthday recently that we'd like to announce now (her b-day was 7/22). To make it up to her, we're going to have a very special "13+ years" post coming soon. And hopefully "soon" means this month.

The Staff

[This was originally a Harry Potter post, but that was supposed to be a joke. I was going to delete it but since it got two comments, I decided to just change it.]

| | Monday, July 23, 2007


Anonymous said...

I wish I liked cooked mushrooms, because people who do enjoy them so much, I wish I enjoyed professioal baseball because people who do really enjoy their summer evenings in front of the TV, and so I suppose I wish I were part of the Harry groupies so I could get into the excitement - but I'm not so shut up already!

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew who left that anonymous post above. It's so hard to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm really confused.