My father is a somewhat musical fellow, often whistling, humming and clapping. He also likes to play his stomach like a drum, which bothers me. Like mayonnaise, I don't think abdomens should be used as instruments. What are your thoughts?
-- Son of a Stomach Slapper
Dear Child of a Gut Drum:
In many ancient cultures stomach slapping is a sign of seniority and let's others know "Hey, I'm the boss around here, I pay the bills, so stay back and let me watch my shows." I think it's quite possible that your father has adapted this technique as a way of gaining respect from others. Unfortunately it may have the opposite effect on people. To deal with it, whenever he starts drumming away, start clapping to the beat. If there are enough of you, you could start a band. If that doesn't work, I suggest counseling to help you deal with the noise.
-- N Chabizzle