I have a son who is taller than Abe Lincoln yet is always whining when he leaves his coffee cups all over the house -- sometimes for days -- and they get cleared to the sink or dishwasher. Do you think because of his height he has his head in the clouds, or that he's a slob, or that his mother's helpfulness is just plain unappreciated? Would it be best if he gave notice and moved to another state in the next two weeks?
-- Just Curious in Endwell
Dear Curious: Have you spoken to your son about these coffee cups? Most likely he plans on reusing the cup before washing (saving you on your water bill), and this is behavior for which you should commend him. He might also be trying follow the new trend of "going green" by growing mold in his cups. If his cup is left out for a few days, he may have just grown a new art project, replacement facial hair for alpaca patients, or even a cure for some deadly disease like Spontanteous dental hydroplosion!
It is also possible that your son simply has not finished his coffee and would like to drink it before you clear it, and doesn't want anyone touching his Carnegie Mellon mug anyway. Maybe you should move out.
(Alpaca or alopecia, I always get those two confused. Alcapulco?)
-- Dr. N
Does the good doctor even have a mother? If so, I pity her with his Alpine experiments growing in coffee cups, and his unhealthy attachment to his school's mug. He should give all he has willingly to his mother and then steal even more for her if necessary. I'm not sure if you even helped me. Are you tall also?
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