Dr. Nello says: "Nurse Chris was incredibly lazy when it came to this blog. Nurse Chris is un-assistantlike and un-American. I apologize to the few who are offended by this news, but this is something I should have done a long time ago."
It is unclear whether Dr. Nello will be hiring a new assistant to fill Nurse Chris's role. Check back for more updates.

This is sad - kind of. Nurse Chris's refrain of "get counselling" will be missed, and now some of your readers will turn to Dr.Phil and be misled, and you will have no one but yourself and your pride to blame. Yet, we haven't heard much from the good nurse lately. Do you think he/she may be taking their real life responsibilities seriously these days and that's what's causing the problem? Whatever, will you be removing the blond plank from your eye, and deleting the picture from your blog? Please reconsider as I have a question that only the good nurse can answer. Couldn't you two meet and Indian leg wrestle or something? To quote Neil Sedaka, breaking up is hard to do, and besides it would be like a divorce and we need good example from you two. Is nurse Chris going to weigh in herself?
May I send you my resume? Nurse Chris is my son - there, now the truth is out! I give wonderful, wise advice, and I'm really good looking in a long blond wig. I have been distrubting unsolicited advice for years and would love to do it professionaly now. You'd better snatch me up before a competor does - I think JUSTINESPIRED is on the verge of adding an advice column. Also, I am actually your mother too, and Darth Vader is yet another son. We should stop meeting over the internet and meet in person sometime. Hire me and this can happen.
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