Fulfilling your prescription ... for life!
Send us an email at doctor.nello@gmail.com.
An album to remember.
Please submit by 04/25/1985 on triple-sided Alligator Imitation Paper.


Seems like Dr. Nello and Nurse Chris are never satisfied simply running this website; they always feel the need to branch out and expand into other media outlets. Whether it's movies (Naked Death 8), books (The Doctor is In and So is His Nurse) or music (N'n'N's Good Thing We're Not Related), they're producing something spectacular.

Available exclusively on iTunes, Nurse Chris is releasing a solo project, "NAKED: Ask the Dr Chris" workout/advice video. "The problem with most people," explains Nurse Chris, "is that they are fat and stupid. In my video, I suggest counseling while giving instructions on squats and lunges, solving psychological problems and burning calories. It's killing two birds with one stone, and who doesn't like killing birds?"

This is the first solo venture for the doctor or nurse. Dr. Nello refused to tell what exactly his side project would be, but promised it would come soon and "be better than Nurse Chris's."
| | Sunday, August 10, 2008


Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued and would like more info on this video. Could this be a substitute for my usual naked workout in front of the mirror? Can this be done in gyms or just the privacy of your own home? Must you do it in your own room with the door locked, or do you have to wait until the family has gone out to dinner without you?
And just how do they exercise in nudest colonies? And is it a sin to think about these things? Can you provide the counseling I need now for having written this or do I need an exorcism?