Fulfilling your prescription ... for life!
Send us an email at doctor.nello@gmail.com.
An album to remember.
Please submit by 04/25/1985 on triple-sided Alligator Imitation Paper.


| | Sunday, July 10, 2011


Mother Mary Nello said...
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confused said...

I am confused as to whether to congratulate you on a bang up interview where you blew Barbara W all the way back to "The View," or to sue you for leaving me without the free counseling I have grown accustomed to receiving.

Mother Mary Nello said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Life's too long said...

The deleted comments have been from me. I am trying to give a heads up to my suicide support buddies, and I keep crying too much to finish.
Here goes one more time: Next week (exact time and date to be emailed to all members) we shall meet on the roof of the doctor's office, after the ritual handshake and short dance, we will take flight and wave to Dr Nello, the abandoner, as we pass by his window on our way to the bottom.
Uniforms and beanies are mandatory.
Good luck to you doctor with your new endeavors.

Jessica said...

that Barbara is too nosy! I ate almost an entire jar of peanut butter today. Am I too late for food counseling?

dfranzonello said...

I was able to laugh at this despite having to look at Miekeal