I was recently informed of your website a couple of days ago as I convalesced from a throat ailment. With time on my hands, I read several of your columns and in general was amused and somewhat informed, in particular on the subject of cats and diseases.
Mostly though, I think I spent time on your sight because of that sultry blonde nurse, whose eyes I felt following me from their postion on reflection on your cheap sunglasses. No matter where I stood in my kitchen (that is where my 'puter is) those eyes followed me. Whether behind the table, in front of the stove, or tucked inside the dishwasher, they traced my every move. I lept up -- and they followed me to my jump's very apex!
And unlike those of my wife, Mona Lisa or George Washington on the one-dollar bill, Nurse Chris's eyes don't seem tired and bored with me.
Nurse Chris, you can take my temperature any time! I bet you will find that I have a "fever," if you know what I mean.
-- Motor City Man
Dear Motor City Man:
I think you should save your flirtations until the official gender tests are returned, but nevertheless I am passing your letter on to Nurse Chris.
-- Dr. N
Dear Motor City Man:
As Dr. Nello said, I'm not ready for any sort of relationship until I know my own gender. And while I am grateful for the compliments, I do suggest counseling for you.
-- Nurse Chris
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