A couple of observations and then a question. First, as I browsed your photos I noticed that at some points it seems as if you are working to achieve a St. John look, but at other times the approach is more a St. James and then even Jesus himself. Then out of the blue, you work in a Clay Aiken. Next, onto a (perhaps unconscious) attempt to mirror a young Freud.
Why so many looks in such a short period of time? Will you ever settle on one that suits you, or shall you continue down this trial and error (operative word is error) approch for a while still?
-- Virginia Vouyer
Dear Virginia:
I'm hurt that you didn't include some of my personal favorites, the Rico Suave and the FauxHawk. Thanks, though, for noticing the evolution of my coiffure. I use my hair for more then just a head warmer. I express my adoration for my heroes through styling my do. As you've observed, I honor the saints, the great thinkers, and Mr. T.
Will I choose a permanent fuzz cut? There are still a few more great people that I'd like to honor, such as Bono, Patrick Stewart, and Dennis Rodman. But someday I'll settle down with a simple crop top, or maybe invent my own style.
(Um, that Clay Aiken one; I was on medication at the time and I apologize to all those who witnessed it.)
-- Dr. N
this question is currently my favorite, it got the most laugh-out-louds from me, and it's well known that I am not easily amused. I hate to admit it, but I laughed at quacker nello's response. If he's really a doctor where's the diploma from? Oh wait, perhaps he was home-schooled for medicine.
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