I hope you can help me. Recently, I started a blog and thought I was pretty cool until one day, my little brother started a blog too. Not only does he have cooler graphics and a better layout, but I think he's actually FUNNIER than I am. I haven't been able to sleep or stop eating since I found this out because I am insanely jealous. What should I do?

P.S. Nurse Chris looks a lot like a man in a blonde
wig. Is she an ugly woman or a lovely male nurse?
Dear Desperate:
Something about your email makes me think that you were already grossly overweight before the blog envy began, and I strongly recommend immediately dieting and perhaps even emergency liposuction.
Addressing your jealousy: there is a Chinese proverb, "A blog is not as cool as you perceive and you are the only one who reads it," which may have come in a fortune cookie. Does this mean that you should give up on your web log? Of course not! As long as you laugh out loud when writing your posts, then mission accomplished; you are entertained. So what if no one else cares? Just remember, your blog is better than one about mayonnaise!
As for Nurse Christopher, I have to say I'm not positive myself, but I if I had to pick one I'd say he's an ugly woman. An ugly woman trapped in an even uglier woman's body.
-- Dr. N
Hey, Dr. Nello. I saw that Justinespired linked to you on the side of her blog. But she didn't exactly put you under "favorites."
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