I didn't read your caution soon enough, and I read your interesting questions and wise answers 239 times and then once more! Do you have any medical remedies to cure my current situation? Your answer might require the potty humor warning (I hope).
-- A Stinkin Devotee

Dear Stinkin:
Unfortunately this is a very serious problem. Fortunately there are several remedies. Products such as Gas-X and Beano can be very useful. The problem with medications like these, is that it can get very pricey.
A cheaper alternative is never going into a poorly ventilated room with other people, or just avoiding going indoors all together when you are not alone.
A third possibility is just pretending you don't have the problem. If someone accuses you, just act like they're crazy, or blame it on someone else. Luckily, millions of Americans have this problem so you have a good chance of guessing right when you blame someone else. Usually blaming a man yields better results.
If none of those help you, I suggest counselling to help you overcome your embarrassment.
-- Nurse Chris
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