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An album to remember.
Please submit by 04/25/1985 on triple-sided Alligator Imitation Paper.

She Ain't No Billy Joel

Dear Nurse Chris:

I play the piano. Some people in my house can't stand it when I practice, and some people (really only my parents) cheer me on. I want to make everyone happy. What should I do? Please help me, I'm so confused.

-- Confused and Sad

Dear Confused:

There's really not much you can do here. Let me tell you a story. There once was a young woman who had to go on a cross country trip with her friend and her family. She strongly disliked all of them and didn't even know why she called her friend a friend. But she went. On the way they stopped at a gas station and she had to use the restroom. When she came out, the others were no where to be seen. She was all alone and had no idea where she was. She asked a worker where they were, but she couldn't understand his accent. She tried walking home but never got there.

I hope this has helped.

-- Nurse Chris
| | Sunday, January 07, 2007