I am constantly blown away with your sagacious answers to your patients questions. It is certainly just a matter of time before you two are offered a national syndicated column or show. Have you thought about this?
Is their any chance you two could ever split up and strike out on your own? Have you considered adding your mothers to this blog? I bet they would be a most welcome addition; after all I assume you learned at the feet of the master.
-- This Side of the Ohio River
Dear Ohio:
Not only do we have syndication in the works, but also a book publishing, record signing, and even upcoming movie! We'll be informing you in the next few months how all this is coming along.
Our book is tenatively entitled "The Doctor Is In (And So Is His Nurse): Doctor Nello and Nurse Chris Answer Questions About Many Problems: Whether Medical, Social, Relationshipal, or Chemical, They Answer Them All: A Collection of the Greatest Q&A's, Volume I (2007 Edition)" and subtitled "Fulfilling Your Prescription ... For Life!" This will be, naturally, our "best of" book. It's due to come out around the end of the year, so add that to your Christmas lists!
As for our recording deal, we're now signed with Smash Records, the same company that houses other artists such as Snoopy the Dogg, Jefferson Starplane, Nudacris, and the Smashing Pineapples. We're still debating what stage names we're going to use: our top candidates are "The Doktor and his Nurze," "N 'n N," and "N.E.L.L.O." Whichever we pick, we're planning on using one of the others for the title of the album. After we pick a name we'll probably pick a genre.
Our movie (which will come after we guest star in "Naked Death VIII: Murder, Au Naturel!") is based on the true story of how we started our profession of helping people, and will include our trip to the moon, winning the Nobel Peace Prize, and ending the Clone Wars.
As for splitting up, I would never never do that. (Am I emphasing the neverality by repeating the word, or secretly using a double negative to mean "not never"? I'm not sure myself.)
-- Dr. N
So, like will your mothers be part of the deal and maybe write the intro to your book or will you just dedicate it to them? Wait, do you two have the same mother by any chance?
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