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Where'd Ya Go, Nello?

Dr. Nello, Valued Customer:

Are you still there? We want you to know that we miss you. We haven't heard from you in a long time.

Where have you been?
We can change. Come back and let us know how. We really want you back.

-- American Eagle Outfitters

Dear AE:

Thanks for your concern, but don't worry, Nurse Chris and I were just on vacation down in North Carolina. For the most part it was a great week, although due to some over-chlorination of the swimming pool, water was not our best friend. Let's just say that an acidic pool can cause intense pain. (Just like senior citizens.)

Since you're willing to change, though ... I'd like it if you sent me a few free coupons, as in coupons that give me AE clothes, for free. That'd be great!

-- Dr. N

| | Thursday, June 21, 2007


Anonymous said...

Well Dr. Nello it seems that you and AE were made for each other - you both have that great geeky look! If you want to do better for yourself, look me up - I might even pay you to wear my stuff

Anonymous said...

Forget them both - I can hook you up and even make you a real babe magnet.

Anonymous said...

If you want to really dress for sucess skip the aforementioned and ask you brother T for his cast offs - you may need to lengthen the pants.

Anonymous said...

why does your mom write so many letters pretending to be other people?

Anonymous said...

Your mom rocks! Is she for rent?

Anonymous said...

Capris are all the rage these days - you should wear T's pants as is.