The time has come for you to finally reveal if you are a man or a woman. Choose wisely.
-- Somebody
Dear Nobody:
The results are in! Sort of. It is now known that I was born male. Unfortunately, over time, hormones have been changed in my body, both naturally and unnaturally, and gender tests show that while I am neither completely man or woman, I am leaning more to the female side.
So, I would find it acceptable for people to refer to me as Sir or Ma'am, but I would prefer to be called "Chris" as that can be used for any of the three main genders.
-- Nurse Chris
Please inform us of what the third gender is, should it be obvious? Does it explain Dr. Nello?
Does your mother know about this?
there are at least 10 universally recognized genders with many more possibilities as the liberated world begins to finally explore the depths of humanity.
Do you like being a boy?
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