Bonus is our middle name, or is it F.E.A.R?
Are they in your closet?
When we will meet again?
See you later.
-- Jodie
When we will meet again?
See you later.
-- Jodie
Dear Jodie:
I'm trembling so much tonight I will have Nurse Chris syndrome, but at the same time, the puzzling ponderings you pose are so provoking I am persuaded to post.
First off, I'm guessing your middle name is F.E.A.R., and that it stands for "Frighteningly Eerie And Repulsive."
In my closet are a vacuum, ironing board, and clothes; if that is what you mean by "they," then yes. If you are referring to monsters, then I sure hope not.
I have now come to the conclusion that you are the doubleheaded monster in my closet named Jodie F.E.A.R. Teratism, and you want me to meet you so you can kill me. We can never meet again. I'm sorry.
-- Dr N.
PS. Monster or not, make sure you check out our anniversary music video if you haven't already! Even if you have, check it out again!
I approve of your new buttons and I am strangely attracted to the transgendered politician there featured. I also commented on your anniv. video which I was unable to see when I first checked it out. Are you still planning on coming Friday?
This is not the answer I expected. You are an enigma to me.
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