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Dr. Nello:

Someone I know keeps writing "derpt" on things. Is this funny?

-- Getting Derpt-pressed in Ohio

Dear Derpt-pressed:

It really depends on what "things" this person is writing on. For example, if he's writing "derpt" on a BMW or a national monument, that's not funny, but if he's writing "derpt" on his posterior (or his posterity), that could be funny.

The term "derpt" itself is not one that I was immediately familiar with, and a quick scan of drMediPedia proved unfruitful. However, out of the top five results of Google, I have determined "derpt" to be one of three things: 1) a misheard quote from a movie, 2) an alternate spelling of Tartu, the second largest city of Estonia, or 3) part of a biochemical computer code from the Universit
é de Liège. Let's examine the funniness of its usage in each case.

1) Quoting a movie has a funniness limit of 10 usages per month. Misquoting a movie is only funny the first 5 times. If this person has passed their limit, they are no longer funny.

2) Tartu, being the second-largest city in a country known mostly as "the other one besides Latvia and Lithuania," and having the alternate spelling "Derpt," is funny to write about. It's just so ridiculous, like Unalaska, Alaska or Twin Buttes, NM.

3) It is never funny to write computer code (especially on T-shirts), even if it does refer to an institution with a very funny name.

So as you can see, it is only funny if a) "Derpt" refers to Tartu or b) it is written on a rear end. If this person is writing "Derpt, Estonia" on his rear in Twin Buttes, NM, then it is very funny. Otherwise, chances are it's not funny.

Finally, for more information on funniness, you should consult TBS.

-- Dr. N

| | Thursday, October 04, 2007


Anonymous said...

Derpt is not funny, but this letter and answer are. And is it funny if I write dr. nello on my fanny here in the Empire State?

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone ever think derpt is funny, even the explanitory video on the other blog did nothing to render it amusing.

laura said...

We really liked the TBS link. And I still think derpt is funny.