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That That That

Dear Sir:

You're decent with the English language, right; how do you feel about the word "that"? I feel it is extremely overused. For example, I could have said "I feel that it is very overused", or even "I could have said that I feel that that is overused." I try to eliminate that word wherever possible.

Here's another example: I'm helping a friend write the sentence "I told him [that] I am tired." I removed the bracketed word, but other "editors" have reinserted it. Can you back me up that the sentence was fine how it was?

Maybe I underuse "that." It's hard to google the proper usage of "that" because it's too common of a word, and I only get results for "that vs which."

-- Marlon Brando Appleton, III

Dear MBA3:

Could you say "doctor" instead of "sir"? It's just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title. I'd appreciate it.

As for the "t-word," it surely is overused. A simple writing guide: if a sentence works without a word, don't use it. Shakespeare famously wrote "brevity is the soul of all the world's stages" in his play Henry XXII. If a word is not embellishing a setence but merely taking up space, remove it! (Eg, "due to the fact" reduces to "due to," and "what I do do is" reduces to "doo doo.")

You'll find when you put this rule into practice the "t-word" is never necessary. All sentences work quite well without it! This may seem incorrect, but it's just because we're so used to using the "t-word" in everyday speech, we feel it's necessary to use in writing.

An example of poor writing:

"I think that man over there is sad now that he no longer has that dog that made him so happy."

An example of good writing:

"I think man over there is sad now he no longer has dog made him so happy."

See the improvement? To quote Shakespeare again, "All glistens in not gold."

If you don't believe me and feel you must use "that," here's a quick lesson on "that vs witch." "That" is masculine and "witch" is feminine, as in "Dr. Fello, that frumpus," and "Dear Flabby, the witch!"

-- Dr. N
| 3 comments | Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pistol Politics and Palin's Phone

Dear Dr Nezlo:

On November 2, gun owners and hunters have an historic opportunity to make sure that our Second Amendment rights are protected.

To do that, we need to elect candidates who will oppose gun bans, ammunition bans, and gun owner licensing and registration.

Pat Toomey and Tom Corbett will stand up for our Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage. We need Pat Toommey in the US Senate and Tom Corbett in the Governer's Mansion.

Vote Pat Toomey for US Senate.
Vote Tom Corbett for Governor.

-- National Rifle Association

Dear Ed McCartan or Current Resident:

Anti-hunting extremist groups are trying to force the federal government to ban traditional hunting ammunition. And they just may succeed.

Anti-hunting politicians are already trying to strip away your hunting rights. They are trying to block access to your favorite hunting spot on public land. They are trying to pass laws to regulate how you can use your land. Now they are working to ban virtually all hunting ammunition.

Choose Jason Altmire on November 2nd. Jason Altmire will lead the fight against the anti-hunting extremists to protect your right to hunt. Jason Altmire has always stood up for gun owners and sportsmen, and we need him the Congress to protect our rights.

Jason Altmire has proven he will work to protect gun owners and hunters. All hunters and sportsment should vote for Jason Altmire.

Protect your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage. On Election Day, Vote Jason Altmire for Congress.

-- Safari Club International

Dear NRA and SCI:

Let me start by saying that I too support gun rights. Without guns, would we even have a "Naked Death" film series? Normally, I would think Democrats and Republicans would have opposing viewpoints on gun rights. Republicans, as Tracy Jordan says, are for "less taxes, more guns, and eliminating the gun tax." Meanwhile, Democrats are wusses. However, here we have two Repubs and one Democ agreeing that my hunting heritage and Amendment #2 rights are at stake.

Unforuntately, I will not be lending my vote to any of these candidates, or either of these parties. After the lack of support for my own attempt at one day maybe staging a presidential run, I have given up on the "popular" candidates, and this year I am supporting Arlen Shestack. I am voting for him for all three positions: Representative, Senator and Governor. (I will be voting for Nader, as usual, for president.)

Also, Al Gore, please stop drunk dialing me from Sarah Palin's phone. I didn't want to talk to you at my CMU graduation, and I don't feel like catching up now either.

-- Dr. N

| 4 comments | Friday, October 29, 2010






Zaqzzxw ssdsxd zaxsxsxdcgddf. Fdesdzdzdssdsddsss isjshyjyxyhxfcfghcgfphhhhcvhfdc xcccccc x ccopop.

-- Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth:

I think that is a self-answering question.

-- Dr. N
| 8 comments | Thursday, October 28, 2010

Get A Job, or The Beginning of the End


Medical coders earn up to $35,000 per year! This is work available to you!

-- returns.198039225@hmm123owildthing.com

Dear Hymn 1:23:

Is this a subtle hint that I am malnourishing my provably legitimate medical degree by not answering a real letter since 2009? You seem to forget how busy my life has been; with my international seminars on tendon lengthening, my ongoing film career, and search for the once-dead, once-obese, gender-challenged Nurse Chris, who has been legally missing since May.

That, and I only just today remembered my password to this site.

For the next twenty days, I'll try to make up for lost time by posting every day, unless I don't. From now until the 12∂th letter, I'll give advice, entertain, paint and sketch, wrap up loose ends, find Nurse Chris and give this site a proper farewell sign-off, unless I don't.

Enjoy (if anyone reads this)!

-- Dr. N

| 4 comments | Sunday, October 24, 2010