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Replies to Free Couch Ad on Craigslist

Oh, there is no picture there, could you email it to me?

-- RHK

Hi I'd love to come get this item. You you please let me know the address.

-- Jenn

If it is already claimed for can, you email me..because I won't make arrangements to get our trailer tonight to pick up the couch email me or call me let me know either way

-- Jennifer

I am interested in the couch posted today. I live about 50 miles east of Pittsburgh, but will be willing to travel. Where in Squirrel Hill do you live? I am not very familiar with the area except for the tubes. :)

-- Dave

Hi, I just wrote you (about a second ago) about the couch you have listed. I've been wanting one of this sort for a really long time but can't afford one new, and heh...usually not even used. But I'd be happy to offer you some cash for this couch. Let me know!

-- Justina

Do you still have the couch!? Thanks!

-- Holly

Dear All:

For a picture of the couch, click here -- note that there are several large stains on it from furniture abusing roommates. Also no, I do not have that couch anymore. I gave it to a very weird girl.

In lieu of giving you a couch, I will mock you.

Jenn: You have a double letter in your name, but this does not mean you you should repeat your pronouns.

Jennifer: The couch has not been "claimed for can," but if you're not making trailer arrangements I hope you're not expecting me to. THX forever!

Dave: I think that's funny that you are willing to drive two hours round trip for a crappy couch, but even funnier that you call Pittsburgh tunnels "the Tubes." I don't live in Squirrel Hill anymore. Don't use emoticons.

Justina: I kind of want your money but the whole "heh...usually not even used" line makes me repulse you too much to accept.

-- Dr. N

| 0 comments | Thursday, December 20, 2007